The Nodes have fully ingressed into Pisces/Virgo, meaning they’re almost done eating the Aries/Libra axis they’ve been chewing on for the past year and a half.
I have talked about the Nodes before in the context of Eclipses.So now it’s time for a deeper dive into the transits of the Head and Tail themselves.

Because they function on an axis, the Nodes come back in the same signs around 8 years and a half, but on different ends. Last time they were on this axis was Nov 2015 to May 2017. During that time we had the Head/North Node in Virgo, while the Tail/South Node was in Pisces. This time the roles are reversed, a combination which we’ve last had June 2006 to December 2007.

The Nodes are actually two parts of a Dragon, functioning as a whole. The Tail drains the power from one place giving it to the Head, which bites further into the area it’s present in, creating a back and forth of power. Though both have a malefic streak, their effects are very different. The Tail purifies, bringing things more into alignment with the spiritual side, but the purification process feels like a purge, while the Head is hungry for more, especially for the material.

With the Tail in Virgo we’re going to learn letting go of perfection, of the physical specific facts, and the Head is going to pull us towards the interconnective Pisces realm of hidden causes behind events. In other words, less cold fact-checking, more deep understanding of a felt nature. Both Virgo and Pisces want purity, but Virgo being an earth signed ruled by Mercury, is focused on the physical and the small details, while Pisces runs in the watery realm of emotions and felt things, being ruled by Jupiter which helps bring coherence and understanding at a larger scale.

The Head won’t be alone in Pisces, as I keep broke recording, because Saturn is there. But first, the Head will bite into Neptune, a planet which doubles down on the magical land of Pisces, putting the emphasis on illusory things (and altered states of consciousness, now you know who to blame). With AI taking off but also the political scene being in the current state, we’re going to see a lot more propaganda, and an increasing sense of “Wait, is that real or not?” Confusion and fogginess are some of Neptune’s core characteristics, though from time to time spirituality shines through.

The situation in Pisces has been confusing as it is, with Saturn desperately trying to grasp at the straws of reality and control, trying to build structures in the ocean so to speak, while feeling Neptune’s vastness. With the Head of the Dragon added to this mix, things are bound to become extremely and increasingly bewildering.

Historically, the last time we’ve had the Head with Neptune was in 1857 through 1859, years which included Piscean highlights such as:

  • the first visions of Bernadette of Lourdes of what she thought was the Virgin Mary
  • Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace’s papers on evolution are read for the first time
  • Abraham Lincoln says “A house divided against itself cannot stand” and accepts Senate nomination
  • Queen Victoria sends the first transatlantic telegraph to US President James Buchanan

These events all mark the checkboxes of crossroads between Neptune/Pisces/North Node, from the spirituality of St. Bernadette, to Darwin’s somewhat flawed but revolutionary understanding of evolution, to Lincoln’s call for unity, as well as the literal interconnection of information offered by the telegraph which acted as a basis for further development of technology.

However, these transits lacked Saturn from the combination. In fact, the last time we had Saturn with Neptune and the North Node was February to December 1523, a time when we still burned heretics at the stake and Cardinals and Bishops had a much stronger say in the politics of the world. In fact, this was at the time of de Medici family being at the height of their Papacy, mixing religion and spirituality with the material hunger I mentioned.

The time before that was between the years of 52 and 53 AD, a time where historical detail is severely lacking (unless we count all the Roman stuff) and yours truly could only extract such details as Seneca writing the Agamemnon tragedy, and Paul the Apostle writing his Epistle to the Galatians.

We can conclude from this that the upcoming events are going to be both surprising and extraordinary, probably not necessarily in the best sense of the word.

But no matter what happens in the world at large, we still have our own little worlds to care for, so I’d like to make a summary for each Rising sign and the themes they’ll likely be experiencing during this Nodal transit.

If you have placements in Virgo/Pisces, especially Ascendant, Sun, or Moon, you’re going to feel this stronger than others, but all the mutable signs including Gemini and Sag are being pulled in, because the Dragon affects things on an axis. Because Saturn has been in Pisces for so long, we have already felt a heaviness in the area which it occupies, so the Nodal transit is only going to bring a reinforcement of sorts in there.

Virgo Rising – Pisces Descendant: The Tail is going to help shed identity constructs, while focusing on the Other, maybe a little bit too much, in the over-prioritizing your partner kind of way. Time and attention will be invested in others and problems can arise from noticing stuff which you didn’t notice before.

!For both Virgo and Pisces Rising, the Nodes can be relationship enders, especially if there were problems before, as both of the Nodes action is destabilizing. However, it’s not always the case, and oftentimes the North Node in the 7th House brings a longer term trajectory!

Pisces Rising – Virgo Descendant: The Head will be making you do more “you”, bring you more me-time, asking you to DIY with a focus on Y. Relationships are deprioritized and cleansed, the energy goes into becoming who you are. The purge of relationships will act first and foremost romantically if they’re not working, but other long-term emotional investments will also be affected.

Libra Rising – Aries Descendant: The past year and a half has been a lot about your partnerships (maybe a little bit too much), and things have been neglected on other fronts. With the North Node in the 6th House, there will be a focus on the practical things, on health, routines and the daily labour you have to do, and physical problem solving, as well as pets if there are any. With the South Node in the 12th House, there will be balancing of mental health/spirituality area. Less meditation, more brushing teeth.

Aries Rising – Libra Descendant: The opposite of Libra applies, where it has been you time for a while. The North Node move into your 12th House marks a time of investing more into your spiritual/mental health, as well as taking more time by yourself to explore the hidden realms of inner recesses. Dreams become more important, as does silence, and the subtle unseen factors of life.

Scorpio Rising – Taurus Descendant: A cleansing of friend groups is due. Less time spent with your friends, more time spent with your creative endeavours, hobbies, or children. The topic of creation becomes increasingly important, whether that is actual babies, existing children, or paintings you want to make. And let us not forget, the 5th House is that of sex, which usually precedes that of creation of children. Enjoy your time.

Taurus Rising – Scorpio Descendant:  The purging is happening in your 5th House, that of sex, hobbies and creativity, and the investment in that of friends and groups of people. It’s a time to worry less about what you’re doing, and more time in considering how it impacts others. There might be cleansing of sexual nature, in the sense of starting to dislike certain things, or simply having less of it.

Sagittarius Rising – Gemini Descendant: Main focus is becoming your private life. With the South Node in your house of career, there might be changes related to your workplace, reversals or disappearances. The North Node in your 4th House pulls you toward the bed. Not a call for laziness, but a call for being less active in the world. That doesn’t mean necessarily becoming a recluse, but definitely a more introverted time.

Gemini Rising – Sagittarius Descendant: Career and work in the world has been the main focus for a while, given Saturn there, but with the North Node moving there there will be an even more avid call for action. Though the next year won’t see you too much at home, it will pay off nicely. Moving homes might also be the case, as the South Node can incline to sudden disappearances.

Capricorn Rising – Cancer Descendant: Busy time ahead, especially in your daily activities. Though it probably feels like Saturn has been dragging you down with scheduling in what feels like forever, there will be an increase in daily runs (or maybe walks?), in short distance travel, and most probably changes in your relationship with your siblings, best friends as well as neighbours. The 3rd House is a busy one. South Node in the 9th will make you spend less time thinking about religion and philosophy, instead focusing on the here and now.

Cancer Rising – Capricorn Descendant: The letting go happens in the area of the everyday mundane, there is a pull to seek that which is beyond. It can be beyond the horizon on the literal sense with long-distance travel, or it can be beyond the horizon and limitations of your own mind. Learning more philosophy or getting more serious about a belief can happen during this time. There can also be possible purges in your immediate friend circle of the 3rd House, best friends, siblings or cousins can bring up potential issues.

Aquarius Rising – Leo Descendant: The hunger has a financial flavour. You’re being pulled to make more money, eat more food. Bring more more more. There is a transfer of sorts coming from your 8th House, there are paybacks coming from other people, or money coming from a separation or divorce, either way shared resources are making their way into your pocket.

Leo Rising – Aquarius Descendant: Money, money, money, must be funny. Unfortunately it’s not your own money that’s funny, because this transit is all about combining resources with others. It’s about becoming ok with the vulnerability of relying on another person. The North Node in the 8th House will pull you towards becoming more generous with your time and energy, paying back debts and acknowledging what others have done for you. But don’t worry, there will also be plenty of support coming from others, monetary or metaphorical.

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