modified picture of the ART card from Mel Meleen’s Tabula Mundi

We’ve reached the land of Jupiter. The oh-so-jovial optimistic, far-reaching Sagittarius, the keyword for which is moderation. That is, as fast as it can run from it with all its limbs.

Sagittarius is mutable fire, the translation into natural phenomena of which would be wildfire.

If in Aries we had the spark of the ignition, in Leo the campfire gathering the attention, then in Sagittarius we have that unplanned, uncontrolled and unpredictable spreading of flames. So chronologically the fire triad gives us: Aries the conqueror, Leo the king, and the larger than life Sagittarian mythic hero.

And mythical it is, since in the wheel of the zodiac Sagittarius has the almost singular (depending on the sea-goatness of Capricorn) quality of being a creature we only find in stories – the centaur. The half-man half-horse symbol is very descriptive of the Sag nature which is able to reconcile different ways of thinking. “Man, horse…why not both?” really speaks of Jupiter’s annoyance at limitations and restrictions, lustful chase of freedom and attempt at hunting the balance between the primal animal impulses and noble human thoughts.

Jupiter – also known as a Greater Benefic has the roles of affirming and confirming. It rules 2 signs, Sagittarius and Pisces, both mutable but vastly different.

Besides its overly quoted expansion role, Jupiter also aims at cohesion, not just within itself but whatever it touches and brings within its expansive circle. If Venus is the one breeding diplomats – those concerned with harmonizing, Jupiter is the one breeding philosophers – those concerned with an all-encompassing vision based on values, knowledge and truth. Pisces emphasizes this in a very obvious “let’s all chill and get along” emotionally empathetic attitude, while in Sag we have more of a far-reaching Jupiterian side that we know from Greek myth (very, very affirmative of a lot of things).

If Jupiter likes one thing it is more. More food, more drinks, more freedom, more frolicking (with all the word’s implications), more sporting competitions, more adventures. And it likes to share that abundance with others. Does that sound like anything you know?
In the previous posts I have given as examples charts of famous people, but in Sagittarian go big fashion I will give it the amplitude it deserves and compare it to biggest and bestest country in the world the US of A (*fireworks*) the chart of which has Sagittarius rising.

And speaking of going big or going home, the latter is not something Sagittarius does. Going home is even considered, because along with Jupiter comes blind optimism and a “I can do anything and I’m going to wing it” attitude. And it’s usually the case, because Jupiter is very generous in bestowing good luck.

Mercury has its detriment in Sagittarius, and that is partly because Mercury is very detail and instruction manual oriented while Sag is more oriented towards firing and then aiming. Mercury prepares and tries to understand, while Jupiter experiences, then understands. Mercury can get stuck in the details, while Jupiter waxes philosophical, not always necessarily intersecting with practical logic, but always intersecting with symbolism and storytelling. The myth of Sagittarians embellishing stories is rooted in truth, though it does not come out of a desire to distort things, rather out of their own lens of perception being so focused on bigness and brightness.

However, it is exactly the ability to see the bigger picture which paves the way for great thinkers, scientists, teachers and innovators, and sometimes even leaders, but most often leaders of thought – be them in academia, science, or spiritual and religious or esoteric matters. Because Jupiter rules beliefs Sagittarians will often find themselves on one side or the other of dogma in regards to lofty idealistic subjects. Which is why they can become great motivational speakers, but also holier-than-thou arrogant sages, reflective of Jupiter’s gas giant essence. Walking the thin line between the two, one of my favourite fiery examples – Churchill himself.

In the zodiacal man, Sagittarius rules the thighs – those powerful muscles which help push us forward towards taking action. And just like the archer, Sag is always shooting – not necessarily concerned with the bullseye but with reaching and covering as much ground as possible in a shower of arrows. Sometimes the ground is physical – sporting competitions, hiking for 8 hours straight, backpacking through South America, and sometimes it is more mental – raiding Wikipedia for fun, devouring fantasy novels and basically anything SF (actual footage of a Sag brain) in a neverending quest of expansion.

If Jupiter dislikes one thing it is being limited. Physical restrictions as well as mental ones are equally abhorred which is why controversial subjects are a Sagittarian favourite. Said of course, in a funny but maybe a little bit too honest way, making placements in this sign perfect for stand-up comedians and public speakers.

In the corrective function of the zodiac, Sagittarius is the blossom that comes after death, the fiery flower growing from the transformational swamp that is Scorpio. Just like the arrow only goes forward, Sagittarius is not so concerned with the past or holding on to things like Scorpio is. While an interest in truth is shared between the two, Sagittarius will not spend 4 years researching a subject but will go forward wandering and wondering at the nature of the stars, the planets and everything in between, because that one rock made it think about a dragon and how everything is connected, much like the alchemical dragon eating its own tail.